
Tell Us Your Stories!

What Canst Thou Say (WCTS) is a worship-sharing group in print. Its richness comes from the generous sharing of readers with one another. WCTS has a vision—we want to tell the world God is much more various and wonderful than our sceptical culture allows. We hope to help Friends be tender and open to the Spirit. We need your experience—it may be just what someone else needs to know!

Come, be part of our worship-sharing group in print.

—The Editorial Team of WCTS: Mike Resman, Judy Lumb, Rhonda Ashurst, and Earl Smith

Contact Rhonda Ashurst:
     WCTS c/o Rhonda Ashurst
     PO Box 9032, Reno NV 89507



Articles that best communicate to our readers generally focus on specific events and are written in the first person. There is a special richness when the writer goes beyond describing the experience and tells how it has changed her or his attitude or behavior.


Each issue is organized around a particular theme. We include queries for each theme to spur your creativity and help you organize your thoughts. The Future Issues page lists the themes and queries for upcoming issues. Although there are themes announced for most issues, we welcome any expressions of mystical experiences or contemplative practice at any time. We also have a section called “Afterthoughts” and invite readers to respond however briefly to particular WCTS issues, not
necessarily the most recent issue.


We welcome submissions of articles of 350-1500 words and artwork—line drawings or artwork suitable for black and white reproduction—that illustrate the theme of an issue, or that we might retain for use in future issues. Please send your text submissions in Word or generic text format and artwork in high resolution JPEG files. Photocopied art and typed submissions are also accepted.


Send electronic files (Word or generic text format) via email to WCTS Editors or hard copy to: WCTS c/o Rhonda Ashurst, PO Box 9032, Reno NV 89507.

Copyright and Reprints

All authors and artists retain copyright to their articles and artwork published in WCTS. WCTS retains the right to publish initially and also to reprint in WCTS anthologies. If you want to reprint an article from WCTS, please contact us for permission.