What Canst Thou Say? Email Discussion Group

This listserve was created in May of 2020 to give Quakers a place to discuss mystical experience and contemplative practice. A WCTS reader named Roger Burns asked us to begin an email discussion group on mystical experience and contemplative practice. Mike Resman and Judy Lumb of WCTS worked with Roger, who has done the technical work of setting up the new email discussion group, which is now ready for our use. We are inviting WCTS community to join us in this email discussion of mystical experience and contemplative practice.

To join, send an email request to Judy Lumb.

Admitting new participants to this group is managed by the owners of the group. If you'd like to recommend that someone join this group, ask that person to contact us by email at  Judy Lumb.

To unsubscribe, send a blank email to:

To contact the management of this group for questions or assistance, send an email to: WCTS.Owner@gmail.com.

The rules of this discussion group are as follows:
1) All postings will be on the topics of mystical experience and contemplative practice.
2) All posted messages are to be received in strict confidence; no forwarding or sharing of messages with anyone else.
3) Replies to messages should be respectful and caring.
4) If a planned reply is of a personal nature and not intended for group discussion, please do not hit “Reply”, but instead create a separate email and send your response to the intended recipient privately.

Enjoy our discussion!
  — the Editors of "What Canst Thou Say?"